All individuals employed by the federal government—Cabinet Ministers, Ministerial Staff, Members of Parliament and all members of the Public Service—are considered “public office holders.” All public office holders are obliged to follow legislation and guidelines designed to ensure that they carry out their duties in a fair and unbiased way. Public officer holders must disclose their financial information; avoid any real or perceived conflicts of interest; refrain from engaging in certain political activities; comply with ethical guidelines; and exercise caution regarding the acceptance of gifts.
The lawyers at Spiteri & Ursulak LLP have a wealth of experience in advising public office holders regarding their compliance obligations. We assist our clients in exercising due diligence and ensure that they do not run afoul of any of their obligations through any unintentional missteps. Moreover, we provide strong representation for any of our clients who have been accused of contravening their obligations.
Contact our Experienced Ottawa and Toronto Lawyers to Discuss how we can assist you in regard to Compliance for Public Office Holders.
If you are a public office holder who has questions regarding your compliance obligations, or if you have been accused of breaching any of your obligations, contact Spiteri & Ursulak LLP at 613-563-1010 or to find out how our experienced lawyers can assist you with your matter.